Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The one with lots of animals

The friendly cat with a blue eye and a green one at green cafe in Brunswick.

The place was packed. The furniture and seating were completely random and vintage and the food was awesome.

1,000 steps at Dandenong Ranges. Took us 20 minutes to go up, largely due to my lacking fitness. I is a slob.

We had lunch at Pie in the Sky in Olinda, then headed to the faux-antique shop. I want these lamps ($328 each)! Though they probably wouldn't go too well with the minimalistic theme I plan to have.

Sooky and I were headed out when we noticed this little myna caught in a nylon net. We trespassed, she ran back for scissors, I got clawed and pecked thoroughly, and we set it free. It couldn't seem to fly though; the right wing might have been dislocated/ broken. I went back today to check and caught no sight of it.