So today, I...
... walked to the Glen Iris post office to collect my parcel from the States, which is this gorgeous ring from Etsy. God bless X for giving me the nicest break up present ever. Though it'll cost me another $40 to resize it (message me if you know a decent and reasonable jeweller around!).

... walked down Toorak Rd, hoping to see the famed Toorak suburb. Sadly got tired halfway, wandered into a Mobil to get Coke and ask for directions and wound up being driven to Camberwell by a "not rich" 58 year old Russian man with a beautiful 2 year old son.
... strolled towards Kew for my appointment. Wound up there an hour early and had fish and chips under a tree.
... got my bits IPL-ed (first of 6-8 sessions). They really need to emphasise a little more on the pain factor. I only sensed danger when handed a squishy ball. It's akin to snapping an elastic band to your most sensitive areas, followed by a spark. I suppose it beats waxing for the next n years. "At least you know you're working towards something," my friendly therapist comforted me as I leaped into the air.
I suppose they dispense coffins from a very large vending machine.
... bought an evening dress and shiny green work top because I have insufficient work clothes and my second interview is due next week. I have no excuse for the evening dress. It was just too gorgeous.
by bits, are we talking about hair here? like girly hair stuff in sensitive areas =/
too funny... Min Wye - you just have to go there huh.. :)
yes...I have to take the hit of embarrassment for other people who were just as curious ;)
LOLNESS @ the prepaid funerals.. got me laughing like mad.. LoL =P
Who would have thought? Crotches and funerals make for good comments. This could be an idea for a new sitcom!
Crotches and Funerals: The Death of The Black Forest
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