Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

One step at a time, ensemble

I wonder what are the chances for the ticket holder to be named Lois? At the Department of Transport, where C aced his theoretical driving test.

This would even funnier if I were legitimately dyslexic.

I have NO idea what an Outside Skirt would taste like, but I assume the worst.

Yes, I am actually going out with this man. His tee reads, LEGLESS. Now comes in Sober.

L-R: Staph, Sperm and Chlamydia

Ebola and AIDS

TF's new husband dangles a wiener in front of Zeke and happily poses for an inappropriate photograph. Incidentally, M's surname is Longbottom, much to TF's chagrin.

SK and Mo, the biggest cat on this side of town.