Such a good
Sadly, the venue had been booked out for some event. And his family had happily and unsuspectingly gone over to the next nearest Japanese restaurant.
"NOOoooooo~!" Di and I screamed in unison. "Call them quick!" I urged. Sadly, all three calls went unanswered.
We were doomed.
Shogun certainly lived up to its reputation - for MYR55++ per person, we got putrid sashimi, stale and overcooked kebabs and rice, cold and bland soups, oxidised fruit and rubber tako.
We barely touched our food.
Even the ice creams were shades of unnatural neon. We were more partial the Mat Kool flavour, which was a riot of colours - blue, green, pink and yellow. I wanted to take a photo of that too but was quickly stopped by the staff.
There was some promotion on Sulphur Duck, but it appeared to be sold out. I have yet to find out what it is.
Ducks are misleading dishes. Think about it:
a) Bombay Duck = Fish
b) Geoduck = Phallic mollusc that lives in mud and looks seriously unappetising and is overpriced
c) Sulphur Duck = ?
But I digress. The company was lovely. I hadn't seen K's parents in ages. They'd spent three years in Cairo living in the middle of a golf course. It was a sad thing I never got around to visiting them. (This is what happens when you're in a long distance relationship)
Seriously, I have no idea how the restaurant survives. Crappy service with foreign workers who feign ignorance at everything, disgusting food... I suppose some people might be masochists.
thanks! haha, yeah... am trying to delay gaining employment for as long as possible. i'm thinking about prostitution next.
and eew, the food just looks unappetizing. poor things! i miss K! i miss noni! K is a biotch who never responds to my various facebook hellos. curse him for me, please. and di as well. miss her, but crappy at keeping in touch. you on the other hand should be the patron saint of long-distance communication. jan, where would we be if it weren't for you?
more updates later, stressing now. :(
lol. k just returned to canada. di is now teaching at some shah alam school. does prostitution pay well in france? yes, yes, i *am* such a saint. thank you for recognising my efforts. and OMG!!!! i have the BIGGEST news ever!!!! there are insufficient exclamation marks for the enormity of this. sit down first. are you ready?
H. is. married.
i know~! i got the shock of a life too! but he pretty much confirmed it when i text him. can you believe it? the first of the toilet room gang to get hitched!
i don't believe you. not one bit! why weren't we invited? i'm typing with one hand hence the lack of expression, but who did he marry? what's the story? fill me in!
his current girlfriend (now wife)! if you don't believe me, just look through his facebook. check out his pictures tagged by other people. quite frankly i don't know the fullblown details.
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