We'd all missed him and decided to hold a poolside barbeque in honour of his (brief) return at DL's condo in Mount Kiara. Having limited my earlier experiences to just eating, I had no idea what to expect. Naively, I'd assumed getting the embers going involved dropping a lit match on a pile of charcoals. (Note: If you ever do that, make sure you hair is out of the way.)

Else you'll end up like this guy
Boy, was I wrong.
We spent about two hours just trying to get the coals lit. It was a good thing LL and ND brought potato salad and fried rice to stave off our gnawing tummies. In the end, ET managed to get it going. JK's chicken wings were a hit. Basically, he marinated them in a solution of Coke, salt and ketchup for two hours. In lieu of a grill, they can be baked in an oven set at 120 Celsius for 30 minutes.
Coca-cola wings
We had sausages, prawns, lamb chop, corn and other miscellanous vegetables. ET failed to live up to his promise of the Nyama Choma (yeah, I thought he was swearing at me too), a kind of African mutton dish though.

Give it to me, baby! Ah-ha, ah-ha!

After cleaning up, we headed to the CoffeeBean down the road. Occupying several tables, our group burst into raucous choruses of Happy Birthday, in as many languages possible to ensure the birthday boy was thoroughly embarrassed. VC brought some Japanese cheesecake, which the apricot glazing lent excellent flavour to.
We talked, we sang, we joked and camwhored and drank our ice blended drinks. And suddenly, I realised how much I would miss all this.
Good friends are hard to come by
blah, i'd be getting another one in france but figured i could always use this one as backup. and to top things off, my old phone (the one that broke) works again! three phones! guess i'll always be in touch...
and coca-cola wings? for real? and ketchup marinade? maybe i should try it. i thought the idea of "nestum crabs" was bizarre enough (my roommate told me about it, i still don't know what "nestum" is -- purportedly baby food of some sort).
*throws confetti* my first comment here, yay! i thought you threw that phone away? yeah, the wings were pretty good. i've never tried nestum crabs (sounds like an std!) but i've tried nestum prawns! yummy. try chinese restaurants, should be a relatively common dish. marmite ribs are really good too!
p/s: what's the etiquette for this anyway? was i supposed to reply you on your blog? do forgive me if i got it wrong.
lolol!!! and yeah, but i recovered it soon after on the off chance that i travel to asia and can get someone to repair it for cheap.
and i have no idea about the etiquette, was just asking my friend the same thing in fact. seems a bit odd, eh? whatevs, i check your blog, like, every 10 minutes since i have nothing else to do with myself. summer is waning, oh no!
Thanks Jan! .et
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