The kindly old man at the counter shook his head when I asked for strawberry, "Not in season, miss."
My face fell a little. "I'll have rum 'n' raisin then, I guess."
He gave me the Biggest Scoop of Ice Cream I had ever seen. In the land of oversized portions, this was about the size of my head.
"He must really like you," X said, licking his significantly smaller scoop of chocolate. I offered him a bite to quell his envy.
We sat on a bench by the harbour, occasionally trading ice creams. A flock of seagulls, not unlike the ones from Finding Nemo ("Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine?") gathered around us. Feeling sorry for a single-legged one, X flung him the last bit of his cone.
And then we sat in companionable silence, enjoying the perfect day.
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