C and I have just moved in together, hence the lack of updates. It is truly ironic how the more I have to write home about, the less likely I am to find the time to actually pen it down.
What happens when the cup noodle is upgraded by the cup noodle connoisseur.
Mr Shrimp comes out of hiding.
Fried bananas at Shogun. C and I are starting a Date Night routine where we each take a turn to bring the other party out.
There was some strange exhilaration involved in exploring my new surroundings in the most blustery day in a while. A passerby jokingly worried that I would get blown away whilst wishing me a good morning. The storms were accompanied by random sproutings of mutant mushrooms everywhere.
My self appointed proxy parents and their (most misleadingly) evil looking dog, Rosey.
C had the best time torturing Boofa the cat with the laser pointer. Poor Boofa climbed walls, chased madly and batted wildly to no avail.
The view from the walk along the water.
Emperor Moe at our new pad.
Orchestration of this tiny walk in closet was much more complicated than you would imagine. I blame X for leaving me with anal laundry compulsions.
KG's new, ridiculously expensive washing machine. I finally moved all my stuff from his house today, indicating the end of an era. We stood at my balcony for a moment to quietly contemplate this. I must say he has spared no effort in being helpful, supportive and overall, a good friend. I have been blessed with the most considerate, kindest ex partners here.

The car is convalenscing at the auto repair shop for time being, having suffered a bump, which led to the headlight being jammed, which led to it repeatedly trying to right itself, which led to a drain on my battery, which led to my not being able to start the car today, which led to my call to the RACQ, which led to this conversation.
RACQ lady: How can I help you?
Jan: Oh um, I banged the car on Sunday... or was it Monday? Anyway it worked fine but then this morning it wouldn't st-
RACQ lady: Hold on there. Your car wouldn't start?
Jan: Yeah, it might be because I bang-
RACQ lady: Your car won't start. That will be all that is necessary. Because accidents aren't covered by your policy. So we'll start again. Your car won't start.
Jan: ... yes. My car won't start.
RACQ lady: Less is more. Remember to only say your car wouldn't start if the man asks.
Jan: Okay.
... which led to me omitting vital information to the RACQ guy, which led to him deriving an inaccurate conclusion, which led to me rushing to hunt down a mechanic after being jump started, which leads to this bus timetable I will need tomorrow to attend French class.
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