Friday, October 29, 2010
Conversations with my mother
Ma: For heavens sake, if you intend to do such things, don't broadcast them. Don't forget your father and I are alive and kicking!
Jan: That's very un-... nevermind.
Ma: You were about to say unfortunate weren't you?
Jan: Yes.
Ma: Bad girl! You might as well drown your own parents!
Jan: Don't worry Ma. When you die, I will have you cremated and flush your ashes down the toilet.
Ma: Don't talk nonsense.
Jan: Oh alright. I know you want to your urn to be beside Aunty Kim's. I'll even mix your ashes together and give it a little shake.
Ma: I changed my mind. I'm divorcing Aunty Kim.
Later on,
Ma: Don't be such a donkey.
Jan: But as my mother, if I'm a donkey, what are you?
Ma: ...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
And the power a certain composition of notes have, to overwhelm me with memories. I am fairly selective about the selections (pun totally unintended) on my playlist, so every entry is a quiet little victory, often attached to an emotional event of some sort, sometimes personal, sometimes gleaned from
This Conversation by The Submarines, of the sad, tender parting between X and I, of when I quietly brought up the subject we had been avoiding all along.
Soft Rock Star by Metric, of trying times in a large soulless corporation, to whom I was nothing more than a replaceable drone. Telling myself that there was no need to "shine before swine".
Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band, of MF dictating my music choices, and correctly so, in between ice cream, waffles and chicken chop at Madam Kwans.
The Hole In Your Roof by Augie March, of standing under a pitch black sky, beholding the full glory of the Milky Way.
Edge of The Ocean by Ivy, of standing on Cape Byron, of being blown away by the blueness, the infinity of it all, of God's glory and the beauty of this world.
Babylon by Angus and Julia Stone, of long Melbourne tram rides, of St Kilda, of moody skies and of long, long conversations with KG, with my heart in Queensland all the while.
Kite by U2, of lying on a golf course under a stormy sky in Pangkor, my friends by my side, my 16 year old heart having been crushed the first time.
Dancing In The Moonlight by Toploader, of that fateful trip to Sydney, of leaping up and down on the hotel bed in sheer exuberance.
Elevator Love Letter by Stars, of all the times I worked late into the night, compensating for someone else's incompetence/ love of coffee or cigarette breaks/ feigned illness. I am very glad to be rid of Malaysian work ethic. Hopefully for good.
Friday, October 22, 2010
There we are
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Literal version
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
If only fear was an adequate form of prevention
Yeah, I wonder about that too.
But I digress. Instead, what I've been pondering on relates to the actual raising of a child. The values passed on. A few days ago, my mother asked me if she failed me as a parent. Some ten years ago as an angry adolescent, I would have jumped at the opportunity to rub salt in the wound. Now in clearer hindsight, I realise I was blessed, that my parents had tried their best to ensure they didn't fail me the way their parents failed them. And in turn I too, will try my best to avoid all the pitfalls my parents made. That no one is perfect, that all we can do is our best.
Possibly a side effect of this aforementioned surgery (the hormones get messed up), but I've been looking at people differently. In terms of Would I Want This Person Near My Child. And of course should I choose to be pedantic about it, no one would be let near my offspring, not even I (possibly I'll just get SE to become godmother and get her to raise them instead). But things that irk me most are selfishness, self centredness (this coming from a person who writes a navel gazing blog), discourtesy, a lack of empathy, irresponsibility, amongst others. When I meet people who exhibit these values, I wonder what went wrong in their upbringing. The millions of variables, the lacking constants. I mean, some psychopaths have had happy childhoods, so who's to say what will happen regardless of all I may do?
I have friends who are completely laissez-faire about their kids; I know people who raise their children with an iron fist. I wonder if I'll be an adequate parent. There is a program in the US which pays drug addicts USD200 to get sterilised, to avoid them perpetuating the earth with their defective gene pools. I am sad to say a part of me agrees to this. But where is the love and forgiveness?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Chaos is eye opening
What happens when the cup noodle is upgraded by the cup noodle connoisseur.
Mr Shrimp comes out of hiding.
Fried bananas at Shogun. C and I are starting a Date Night routine where we each take a turn to bring the other party out.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Stalking the purple patch
Jan: What gave you the idea?
Following photo credits to C:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Quotables today
* * *
SC: I like tomato juice because it tastes like tomatoes.
* * *
C: I can't wait to marry you and fill you up with babies!
Jan: ...
C: You aren't running away.
Jan: You're holding my hand.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Jan: I'm moving out today. Because you pissed on the couch and floor and you act super creepy when you're drunk.
ML: That's okay, you don't have to move! You can sleep in my bed!
Jan: ...
ML: I won't touch you. Not that I don't want to, because of course I do.
Jan: Like I said, I'm moving out today.
So whilst crashing at C's for time being, I've been flatshare-hunting. Which led me to this amazing deal. At AUD500/ month, for what appeared to be fully furnished room at this place.
It was a few hundred metres to the beach and shops at the most central location ever. I liked the facade of the building and was ready to make the required deposit of AUD750 (2 weeks rent and bond).
The only catch? The landlady, "Maria Domenica" was in the UK. Apparently her husband was ill. Her solicitor would send me the documents and would it be okay if I signed them and returned them back to her? Then I could make the deposit and she would send me the keys via next day courier service.
Now I come with a major flaw (actually several, but let's just keep this simple) - I'm extremely trusting. This has led me to many, many awkward situations and compromises. So I happily agreed to this arrangement and soon enough, "Steve Robin" sent me an email, requesting that I sign, scan and return the tenancy agreement to him.
The only problem was, there was no attachment to the email.
Right. Could be simple human error. Give benefit of doubt. Request for agreement. Notify "Maria Domenica".
"Steve Robin" then replied again, this time with an attachment. Only this time, the address for the unit was in the Northern Territory, which is about 2,000km from where I am. He also succeeded in getting my address and duration of lease wrong.
Wow. How do bozos like this actually get employed at all?
I explain the errors and email "Maria Domenica" again. I tell the lawyer to fix the issues.
Then SE calls me while I'm out with SK. She'd previously lived a few months in Denmark and had encountered a similar situation. "The landlord said he'd lived in Copenhagen for 5 years. He said he was in the UK and yet when I asked that he send the keys to a trusted friend, so I could exchange the keys for the deposit, he insisted he didn't know anyone."
Seed of doubt planted in my head, I requested the same of "Maria Domenica". She instead gave me her bank account details and insisted she needed my money because her husband was ill. At this point, I noticed a change in her writing style. From normal to all CAPS to all lowercase.
Anyone in the UK regardless of nationality can receive free medical care, thanks to the NHS scheme. I mean, how does AUD750 (GBP375 or so) help with anything really? It wouldn't even pay for her flight back to Australia. What nonsense.
I didn't bother replying and she immediately sent me scans of her passport. In her initial email, she'd mentioned she was Australian and 27 years old. The passport was Italian and her date of birth was April, 1982. I mean seriously, who gets their own age wrong (except for one time on an ice skating rink, but I forgot I'd just celebrated my 15th birthday)?
Once more, I ignored her email and resumed my hunt for a room on the same website.
There was an ad clearly from her, only this time she was masquerading as a 25 year old named Susan. The address given was neither the one we'd previously agreed on, nor the Northern Territory one. But the introduction was exactly the same as those in her email to me.
Sadly there wasn't a Report This As Fraud button. Let's hope the next person isn't as gullible.