I drove most of the third day. When I was a kid, I could never imagine how adults could stay awake, drive crazy distances and manage their own lives and sometimes, others' too. Yet I somehow managed to do 420km on my own on the third day, after dropping X off to meet his sister at Traralgon, after a yummy lunch at The Lakes Entrance (I forget the name of the shop, but it's Slippery-something).
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Gold Coast to Melbourne
X, The Bestest Ex Ever, took 10 days' leave and accompanied me on a 3 day, 2,000km journey shipping my 7 boxes of Clothes, Shoes and Junk in my 22 year old car. Like the old days, we spent most of the time making scatological jokes, getting diarrhea and keeping each other in companionable silence. Pictures in reverse order (sorry, am having a really bad day).
I drove most of the third day. When I was a kid, I could never imagine how adults could stay awake, drive crazy distances and manage their own lives and sometimes, others' too. Yet I somehow managed to do 420km on my own on the third day, after dropping X off to meet his sister at Traralgon, after a yummy lunch at The Lakes Entrance (I forget the name of the shop, but it's Slippery-something).
The view from Idlewilde Motel in Pambula where we stopped for our second night, a tiny little town of 1,000 in NSW. Lovely little place. X and I have observed that *every* town, no matter the size, has at least one Chinese restaurant. You know how the RACQ caravan park guides depict the locations by its proximity to the local Post Office (PO)? Well they should change it to CR (Chinese Restaurant). Unbelievable how ubiquitous my people are.
The coastal front in Kiama, NSW. I am in love with this town. When I'm 50 and semi-retired, I'll live here with my dogs, cats and husband.
The Kiama Blowhole: When The Ocean Farts and Tourists Gasp. I should so be a copywriter.
The town itself - not overdeveloped but still pretty happening.
The view of Wollongong (note the concentrated pollution) from the Aboriginal Cultural Centre, somewhere along the Princes Highway. We had takeaway calamari and chips. Note to self: Chewing rubbery seafood whilst driving at 110kmph is a bad idea. Thank God for the rubbery painted lines.
The sunrise at Hawks Nest Beach. I recorded a video of it too.
Early dawn at the caravan park. Very pleasant, full of holidaying young families. X and I meant to stay at Tea Gardens. Tea Gardens! What a name! It's as picturesque as it sounds. We also passed Hungry Head somewhere along the way. Australia is a land of funny names.
Spinach and feta quiche with yummilicious Caesars Salad (sans bacon) at the organic cafe in Kempsey. The capers perked the entire dish up.
Hehehe. The cafe had a wall-full of charming and nonsensical doodles. Sadly, it seems to be the only thing Kempsey has going for it. Unemployment is rife. I wandered about, receiving strange looks and got jeered at by a large group of very, very young Aboriginese girls (like 15 or younger), clearly drunk, by some back street cafe. You do see drunk people around Australia, but I certainly have never come across such young ones before, especially during school hours.
The house on the truck.
Sugar factory in Broadwater, NSW.
I drove most of the third day. When I was a kid, I could never imagine how adults could stay awake, drive crazy distances and manage their own lives and sometimes, others' too. Yet I somehow managed to do 420km on my own on the third day, after dropping X off to meet his sister at Traralgon, after a yummy lunch at The Lakes Entrance (I forget the name of the shop, but it's Slippery-something).
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