Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I came across these and intend to spend part of my Sunday on self-psychoanalysis. The shift to Melbourne and living with other people (I have only ever lived with my family and X, ever) has thrown me a little off the loop. Some self discipline needs to be exercised. Must... stop... buying stuff... (In the almost-three weeks I've been here, I've already doubled the amount of clothes/ shoes I brought over).

Become an Unforgettable Woman - 40 Fabulous Secrets
I know this one is a little too focussed on pleasing men, but overall, I think the sentiment is right, if a little Stepford-ish. I'm probably alone on this here, but I miss the era of feminity and chivalry (yes, coming from a reformed tomboy). Nowadays, it feels like girls are trying to become boys and boys are becoming girls, yet both retaining so much of the undesirable traits.

OMG, I am old-fashioned.

Characteristics of a Self-Actualizing Person
It's funny how you study Maslow's hierarchy of needs, yet it never really sinks in. And then I stumbled upon this and finally was able to put a name to that desire to achieve all these. There are definitely some things I need to work on. The nice thing about breaking up, but still being best friends with X (most self-actualized person known in existence) is, the feedback I get on How Good/ Bad a Girlfriend Was I? (Decent but plenty of room for improvement).