Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The return of four eyes

After 5 years of freedom from myopia, the spectacles have struck back. In spite of Lasik surgery, my eyes have "an inherited genetic tendency" to remain short-sighted. Tired of constantly squinting at signboards and fearing for an upcoming driving test, I was resigned to getting my eyes tested.

The results were bad to say the least. The optometrist was sympathetic but informed me regression of eyesight was a common issue.

So I got specs.

Prior to the surgery, I'd spent about 5 years in contact lenses. Teenage vanity then trumped the tiresome ritual of having to apply, endure, remove, clean and store tiny, fragile jelly-like contraptions EVERYDAY.

Now that I'm almost 24 and somewhat less insecure and having snagged my man am no longer required to go through the decorum of decoration, convenience is key. So those clumsy frames that I hadn't touched (sunglasses don't count) since I was 14 are back on again.

The irony is that then, I'd embraced contacts to avoid being classed as a nerd. Yet in Australia as the Asian partner of a white man, I was constantly being associated with uneducated village girls from third world countries. Hacking off my hair and donning spectacles has miraculously stopped inane comments like Do you speak English/ Oh wow, you speak English/ Do they have (insert twentieth century contraption) where you come from?. People actually speak normally to me now.

I'd also worried about returning to my former fugly-dom. Narcissism is not entirely dead. But it's funny how now that I'm freed of the need to be long haired (gone now), doe-eyed (four-eyed more like) shu nu, I'm more confident. I look at people in the eye and speak up, instead of leaving X to do all the talking (he's obviously more well versed in Aussie slang).

Boys may not make passes to girls with glasses (not true though - some random guy at the supermarket just told me I was "beautiful" today), but it's okay. I have the only boy I need and now no longer caring to conform to preconceived notions of others, I feel like I've really found myself again.


Anonymous said...

GOODNESS! PINK GLASSES? what has gone into u? lmao

Jan Banks said...

cannot ah?? ah pek cheh.

Anonymous said...

Boys do indeed make passes at girls who wear glasses... even construction-worker type boys. :p

I was amazed, as usual, when I returned to Malaysia after 4 glorious years away to hear people say things like, "Girls cannot wear glasses one... boys won't look at you!"

It was a complete and total *non-issue* while I was away...

Sorry. Do I sound bitter?

Jan Banks said...

it's true. like if when i wore glasses in msia, i was told i was ugly. yet here, i haven't heard single negative comment at all. p/s: the guy who hit on me *was* a constuction worker type. 8)