Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Top 10 fashion faux pas

It must be the result of reading too many fashion magazines (I heart Australian libraries), but I woke up this morning inspired to spread my *cough* excellent fashion sense everywhere, thus saving everyone else from unnecessary eyesores.

10. Ill-fitting clothes : It seems to be a trend here, some permanent stage of denial which results in muffin tops and other unsightly bulges.

9. Badly-applied concealer : When I was an oily, acne-fied little thing in high school, there was this hot chick in our gang who thought she was above everyone else (Actually all of us thought we were - that's probably what brought us together). Imagine her humiliation when one day, when I publicly (but innocently) pointed out a large creamy patch on her chin, "Hey what's that on your face?" I wasn't being vindictive - it was so obvious I couldn't fathom it being concealer. I mean if anything, it magnified the spot.

8. Exposed underwear : Minus 100 points. Minus 50,000 points if it's a thong/ G-string. Also see below.

7. Baggy pants : Remember there was a state in the US that wanted to ban them? Well I suppose it's okay if it was specifically constructed (i.e. the waistband sits on the hips). But not if the wearer's underwear is on display for all and sundry. And what is it with people delibrately pulling it down even further? You know, the ones that waddle around because they can't walk due to the crotch of the garment holding their knees together.

6. The 80's beach look : Hawaiian shirts on men and floral muumuus. Absolutely awful. You have no idea how common it is here.

5. Blonde hair on Orientals : What is wrong with you people? Are you trying to look like Big Bird? We're already yellow-skinned and now you want yellow hair too?

Spot the real Big Bird!

4. Tight jeans on men : With the whole metrosexual movement going on, men are becoming SNAGs and the trend towards feminity seems to be taking on physical form too. The tight jeans thing is just so disturbing. I mean, there's a conspicuous bulge there, and you shouldn't look, but it's so in your face and it's screaming Look at me! Look at me! And you regret that you gave in.

3. Stretchable cotton button up shirts : I have no idea why anyone ever invented this. Not only do they wrinkle at the slightest movement, they're a pain in the arse to iron. And they look cheap.

2. Polyester suits : I really hate these. Wear them only if you don't believe in career advancement.

1. Fake designer fashion : Everytime I see someone toting a fake Louis Vuitton/ Coach/ Gucci/ Burberry bag, I cringe. It's even worse when they're donning those tee's with fake labels like Calbin Krein/ DNKY/ B&G plastered across the chest. Now this trend seems to be extending to second-tier brands like Guess and Esprit. I mean, have a little dignity, will you? If you can't afford it, just find something else. Fashion doesn't always have to be expensive. *hides Gorgio Armani sunnies*


Anonymous said...

hear hear hear!!

Anonymous said...

If women wear tight clothes, I think it's only fair that men do too.

Hopefully, someday, we'll all realize how ridiculous we ALL look.

And then Victorian ballgowns will come into fashion. With corsets and stuff. And beehive hair. And huge hoop skirts.

Jan Banks said...

sooky: teeheehee. suddenly, i'm remembering dr dutt and his painted on mustaches.

jenny: i love victorian fashion, but it's too couture for here, where formal wear simply means non-beach wear.

i miss tight pencil skirts and blazers. and heels, even if they kill me.

Anonymous said...

i dunno, bellbottoms used to be the thing of the 70s and i see it pretty often these days...

Jan Banks said...

actually the ah bengs in sugai wang used to pair them with pointy shoes a lot...