Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Photolog: Australia Day

This year, Australia Day fell on the same day as Chinese New Year. Which was fortunate for me, as the latter isn't celebrated much here. The festive ambience (read: random shirtless people appearing in front of you waving the Australian flag) however, was present thanks to the national day celebrations.

X and I headed to Evandale Parklands near the Gold Coast Arts Centre to join in the fun. If one ignored the schizophrenic weather and the putrid smell of animal waste, it was quite all right.

The main attraction was the rodeo. The point of this appeared to be: 1) Horse A gets into the ring, throws tantrum and rider off. 2) Horse B gets in and Rider B removes strap from around Horse A's waist. 3) Horse A calms down and both horses return to the pen. 4) Everyone cheers.

Wood-chopping competition

Pony rides

On the left are chubby children shaking their hips; on the right are chubby adults playing drums.

Steam-powered saw going through a log

The abovementioned steam was produced by this antique.

This is a lathe. It shapes metal. I know, I hadn't heard of it before either. Blacksmith jargon.

There were foot races too. Some of the guys were really good. Like the roadrunner, sans beep! beep!


Camel rides

Adorable (albeit stinky) piglets