Last weekend, I met up with LL, whom I've actually known for about 16/17 years. Apparently, I once tried to strangle her for no apparent reason. I was indeed, rather difficult and odd as a child, not to mention extremely unattractive (think greasy skin and ill-fitting glasses - I shrunk the picture as not to traumatise startle you readers).
This encounter spurred me to look up the only primary school yearbook still within my possession, where I found fond memories (I got second place in the English Written Competition) and not-so-fond ones (pictures of two older boys who used to chase me around the school professing their love for me).
And then I found this - Caution: Reading the following paragraphs may induce involuntary gag reflexes. Note that I was only 11 when I wrote this, and 11 year olds in those days were very naive and innocent and sheltered (we learnt about reproduction theoretically at that age but had no idea of the practical use. I once brought it up during dinner and my poor father actually choked on his rice).

kuen cheng! i totally forgot you went there. i want to read the story that trumped your's (the 1st place one!).
lol... a) who is this? b)i never went to kuen cheng! my parents were afriad of my potential homosexual tendencies.
I remember that. And another one you wrote vaguely...something about UFOs?
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