Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The epitome of quaint, Canterbury, Victoria

X and I decided to spend Christmas in Melbourne, the legendary city I had heard so much of, from friends who studied there. We're spending the first couple of days at his childhood friend's place at Canterbury, about 20 minutes east of the city.
Our host's lovely place

The neighbourhood is extremely old fashioned, in a quaint, charming way. The houses are fashioned of timber and red brick, with ornate carvings on the awnings and picket fences. Gardens are full of pansies, roses, lavendar and other exotic flowers. Jacarandas and maple trees line the busy roads.
The outlets nearby mostly consist of cafes, antique shops (frequented by moneyed little old ladies) and for some odd reason, exclusive looking hair salons.

Canterbury Road

Random quaint house

Free public toilet - you have to pay to pee in Sydney.

Traditional hardware shop