Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My latest obsession

Now that I'm no longer working, days are spent catching up on sleep, with friends (I managed to meet up with several people I hadn't seen since 1997!) and on reading (currently on the Pulitzer winning The Hours. I want to read Atonement but I've watched the movie already and that'll kind of ruin the ending). X very aptly calls me a "lady of leisure".

And I have a new interest - House, MD.

When X and I were in Sydney last spring (sooooo many flies!), we'd met up with H for breakfast in Newtown. He later invited us for Malaysian Night at UNSW. I'd called him to confirm the details.

Now, if your friend from 4,116 miles away decides to spend her Friday night with you just so she can see your gig with your inebriated, lyric-amnesiac vocalist, one would expect a little more, I don't know, appreciation.

J: H, what time should-

H: Jan, hang up! I'm watching House! Callmelaterbye!

J: But-

H: *click*

I figured House must be a pretty good show. Or H might be in An Inconvenient Position (the guy lived on top of a sex shop). Anyway, I tuned in too and found it interestingly eccentric. However I don't have cable TV (on which it's broadcast locally) and lacked the time to actually download the series. Thankfully, I discovered my brother owns the DVD sets of Seasons 1 to 4.

Now with whatever intervals between my socializing, errand-running and overall lazing around, I'll spend drooling over marvelling at House's dry wit, sarcasm and multisyllabic medical terms, all delivered in a flawless American accent (Hugh Laurie is British), with a persistent limp.

I'm up to Season 2 at the moment (yes, yes, what rock have I been hiding under?) and apart from the awkward love scenes between him and Stacey, the guy is perfect.

Now excuse me while I get my daily dose of House so I can catch up with the rest of the population.


Canna said...

Hahaha Jan... House is a very nice show.. I'm addicted to it how's things? we must meet up soon.

Jan Banks said...

hello canna! i'm good, how was hk? shopped til you dropped? sure, thompson mentioned that he and shidah were planning something. also, shang hong sent me a message. we should all catch up! :)