Fast forward seven years. The afro has been traded for a crew cut. Once baby-faced, B now looks somewhat like an escaped convict when the smile drops off. It comes handy, in this crime infested city.
I needed to return a pair of denim shorts. The button had dropped off within the second time I'd worn it (no, it was not too small for me), but I'd lost the receipt. I knew the shop's staff were going to give me a hard time.
So I got B over to give them the evil eye. I guess a 6'4", unsmiling, unshaven guy glowering at them really did help. They'd run out of stock, but did help fix the button up in no time.
After dinner at Vietnam Kitchen, we'd sat down at Baskin Robbins where B treated me to ice cream.
I was telling him about my latest stalker (I have a disturbing amount of stalkers. One day, I might find the time to blog about them all). Anyway this was a creepy dude from my former firm's IT Department. The guy was basically tracking my online movement and giving himself away with all his preemptive messages.
B: Jan, I have to tell you this - you're a creep magnet.
J: But B, didn't you have a crush on me in Form 5?
B: ......
We chatted the evening away trading mole stories from Men in Tights and Jimmy Fallon's 2005 MTV awards intro (which by the way is the funniest thing I have seen since only forever - though if you lack the patience, the mole gag starts at 5:40) before calling it a night.
Everyone needs an enormous, intimidating friend to swap mole stories with too. They're even handier with afros - though at the rate his beard is progressing, we can start hiding stuff there instead.
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