If I'm not in the mood, I go, "Match.com."
But really, X and I met while travelling three years ago, in Penang. I had a three day window between classes and decided to spend it hanging out with KJ.
The bus had stopped at some unfamiliar station. Both of us were clueless as to our whereabouts. The other passengers quickly filed along and soon, we were the only ones left by the curb.
"Let's ask the white guy", KJ suggested.
I rolled my eyes. "He's probably more lost than us."
The white guy ambled over. "You guys know how to get to Georgetown?"
We shrugged and decidedly hopped onto the first mini bus that passed by. It thankfully, took us to town and having Googled up some possible accommodation, we soon figured out where to head.
The white guy tagged along.
In spite of the annoying way he kept e-nun-ci-a-ting e-ve-ry word slowly to me (he thought I couldn't understand English; I thought he was retarded - a vicious cycle ensued), we stayed in touch. X was making the usual tour of South East Asia - Thailand, Cambodia, Laos etc. We sent each other infrequent emails and agreed to meet up when he would make a stopover in Malaysia (his flight departed from Singapore).
It should be noted that I'm not one for impromptu dates with total strangers (Mummy taught me well). I've known most of the people in my social circles for at least two years with the longest dating back to kindy days; I take ages to form close relationships with others.
But I trusted him.
I still have no idea why. And I've never questioned that trust. Not even once.
Thus began our long distance, three year journey. We travelled to see each other, spending a total of 2 months in Australia, 3 weeks in Thailand and about 2 weeks in Malaysia (where he
Our initial plans were dashed when I found out Malaysians aren't eligible for the Working Holiday Visa. The only other options were long and tedious. We considered the obvious, but I realised I would lose all self respect if I had to rely on someone else to get me there. Compromised relationships
Then began another long, teeth-extractingly painful journey of life as an auditor to fulfill the visa criteria. More on that later but in a nutshell, I was an unhappy bunny for the entire duration.
These did occur to me during weaker moments
Happy 3rd Anniversary, sweetheart. May our strange beginning lead to weird and wonderful days together. I love you!

last photo credit to KJ too! hahaha =P
omg omg omg.. the guy with the lonely planet on his hands.. and me with my camwhore camera taking vain pictures of us.. and this weird guy that keeps tagging along with us.. hahaha
Mr. X..
man! world is getting weirder by the days passed by.. =P hehehe =) take care there jan..
lol... yes now i'm living with him! and yes yes, photo credited to kj. :P
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