Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A week of miscellany

Remember the gallah our friend Mike rescued? Chup Chup is now fully recovered, has done 2,000km on the road and in perfect health. He was released this morning back into the wild.

One of the twin lions at the gates of Castle Rumble.

The aforementioned Castle Rumble.

C's friends got married in a rather unorthodox wedding, The ceremony involved some sort of "binding" where the salmon of wisdom was mentioned. You can't see from here but the groom wore a LOT of make up. Not to mention about half a head taller than C, who is 6' 2".

(The __ tile is an E)

C was being disturbingly obscene during Scrabble. Incidentally, I won the last game by using all my tiles by spelling out HITTING. Attached to an S. C cleared the board before I managed to take a photo.

A tranquil little spot near home away from the madding crowd.

A bouquet stolen gathered during a morning stroll.

Chocolate fondue at Max Brenners. I never thought I'd say this, but there is such a thing as too much chocolate.

Lebanese food at No-No's on Red Hill. Pretty decent and probably authentic, looking at the customer demographic.

C: What part of Burlesque implies ugly women?

Jan: Probably the burly part.

Guitar shop:


Heavy Door

From Mental Institution

A view of Paddington, my vision of happy suburbia. Paddington in Sydney is my vision of happy suburbia sans kids.

C and I made pancakes. We are now being disturbingly domestic, cemented by buying a SLOW COOKER together, from Target no less. How scary is that?

SE is always a comfort to be around, especially during minor crises. We found Mr Puffer Fish on our walkie (yes, we name things). Then we did Asian Poses with him. He would have made a great substitute for a Jack 'o' Lantern.

Update: She's decided to name him Charles instead. Oh well.

And the pièce de résistance. Just so you know, he came up with this caption on his own. It is quite apt though. Just look at the cat's expression.