At the Eddie Kornhauser park with C, just before his dad's birthday party. Our Star Wars card (A long, long time ago... *cue theme music* You were born.) was well-received.

Boofta the Poofter - his nose always up someone's skirt.

After a sleepless night on my part, C and I set off to Byron Bay to do the usual boring touristy thing. But first a stop at the local op shop so I didn't look ridiculously overdressed in a hippy town (ombre size 10 skirt worn as a dress, with a child's belt). I hadn't been up Cape Byron for ages though. The downpour had us scurrying down the hill, soaked.

3 hours of sleep, 1 hour of watching C dozing peacefully, admiring his tenacity to sleep through trucks, traffic and noisy neighbours, lawn mowers and the cat playing hopcrotch and I was up at 6am for a 2 hour long walk.

I think it's an egret.

Moe rests on the power supply box. Then awoke our guest late at night by placing a curious paw on his head. And us, via hopcrotch.

I needed a haircut, so Aunty Lil made an outing of it. We headed to this Korean place in Sunnybank Plaza. And I then remembered why I hate going to Asian hairdressers.
Jan: Well can you keep the length, but thin it a little? Also, the back keeps tangling...
Hairdresser: ?
Jan: I mean, don't make it too short, but layer it maybe? Just get rid of the tangled bits.
Hairdresser: ?
Jan: ... nevermind. Just do it like that lady beside me.
It turned out very similar to
Ramona Flowers' hairstyle, which was a blessing since C and I are massive fans of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (how can anyone not fall in love with Michael Cera?).

Aunty Lil's creepy foot growth, which
moves. Like a movie prop from a B grade movie.

Our foray with the slow cooker was a success! Beef ribs and vegetables.

Rabbit dropping cake. I kid. The recipe called for 2 punnets of blueberries. At AUD7.99 each, I was about to call it quits but we spotted this wonderous invention known to the common world as canned fruit, at a fraction of the price.

A lovely little nook nearby with very decent AUD5 weekend breakfasts (sausage, bacon, tomato, mushooms, toast and egg) and cheap drinks. I'm too selfish to publicise the location though, so email me if you want to know where it is.

Christmas decorations all up already.

A mishap with the Very Awesome Grater. C has officially forbidden me from all kitchen appliances involving sharp blades. Fortunately, the removed epidermis did
not fall into the grated cheese but stuck firmly to the blade (unlike the Salad Incident '02). The wound is fairly sizeable and a bit of a bleeder. Brushing one's teeth left-handedly is a nightmare.
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