I once lamented the lack of retail outlets here. This statement remains true but I've discovered the joys of eBay and Etsy.
These days I vegetate on the couch surfing for designer bags. My obsession began after I lost out on a bid for a very, very cheap, authentic Dior bag over a AUD2.50 difference at the very last second.
Since then, I've been cruising the website, in search of another underpriced bargain. This exasperates X to no end, as he associates shopping with the featherbrained, shallow female.
After losing out on another couple of other bids, I finally made my first eBay purchase, a lace Qi Pao, also known to most Malaysians as the cheongsam. I have a beautiful, hot pink kebaya sitting in my wardrobe. I spent my teenage years in a standard issue white and turquoise baju kurung combo, yet I've never owned one of these things before.
For those who have not (yet) gotten addicted to eBay, one usually makes payment via PayPal. Mine is linked to my bank account, therefore the money goes out in the form of an eCheque, which like a normal one, takes a couple of days to clear. You do have the option of linking a credit card to the account, wherefore the funds will clear immediately. Seeing as to how I can only pay my credit card bill in Malaysia (damn you, HSBC!), I opted not to.
Once the funds clear, the merchant will ship the package. I'm quite happy with my cheongsam, though the shipping cost more than half the price of the item.

While lurking about Etsy in search of a pin or two, I came across several noteworthy ones and ended up giving into temptation.
These days I vegetate on the couch surfing for designer bags. My obsession began after I lost out on a bid for a very, very cheap, authentic Dior bag over a AUD2.50 difference at the very last second.
Since then, I've been cruising the website, in search of another underpriced bargain. This exasperates X to no end, as he associates shopping with the featherbrained, shallow female.
After losing out on another couple of other bids, I finally made my first eBay purchase, a lace Qi Pao, also known to most Malaysians as the cheongsam. I have a beautiful, hot pink kebaya sitting in my wardrobe. I spent my teenage years in a standard issue white and turquoise baju kurung combo, yet I've never owned one of these things before.
For those who have not (yet) gotten addicted to eBay, one usually makes payment via PayPal. Mine is linked to my bank account, therefore the money goes out in the form of an eCheque, which like a normal one, takes a couple of days to clear. You do have the option of linking a credit card to the account, wherefore the funds will clear immediately. Seeing as to how I can only pay my credit card bill in Malaysia (damn you, HSBC!), I opted not to.
Once the funds clear, the merchant will ship the package. I'm quite happy with my cheongsam, though the shipping cost more than half the price of the item.
While lurking about Etsy in search of a pin or two, I came across several noteworthy ones and ended up giving into temptation.
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