1. VB (pronoun/ abbreviation)
Victoria Bitters; some say the alcoholic choice for Aussies.
2. Mushies (noun/ abbreviation)
Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, which can be determined by the inner stalks that turn blue when exposed to oxygen.
3. Bong (noun)
4. Rissoles (noun)
Meat patties made of questinable origins, usually barbequed until flavourless, then eaten with a healthy dose of ketchup.
5. Poofter (noun)
Derogatory slang employed to describe effeminate and/ or homosexual males.
6. Mate (noun)
Used to describe a person with whom one shares beer and occasional emotional intimacy, especially when drunk.
7. Friend (noun)
Used to describe a person with whom one shares emotional and occasionally physical intimacy, especially in uncommitted relationships.
8. WOG (abbreviation/ noun)
A derogatory colloquial term used to commonly describe people of Greek, Italian or Mediterranean descent. Ironically and originally stood for wiley oriental gentleman.
9. Septic tank (noun)
A derogatory colloquial term used to commonly describe Americans. Used, because it rhymes with Yank.
10. Islander (noun)
A colloquial term used to commonly describe people originating from neighbouring islands, including Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and Naru.
11. Pomme (noun)
A colloquial term used to commonly describe British people, especially those from the United Kingdom. Often preceded with the description 'whinging'. Origins unclear, since pommes means apple in Francais.
12. Budgie smugglers (noun)
Obscene swimwear, usually favoured by old European men with A/ B cup chests and large potbellies. Or Tony Abbott.

Tony Abott (Photo credits)
13. DT's (abbreviation)
Stands for dick togs. See 12. And picture above.
14. The Seventh State (noun)
Refers to New Zealand. Term used to annoy emigrant Kiwis.
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