Black forest cake, with Cointreau instead of kirsch (because I'm not about to pay $29.99 for 500ml of cherry liquer I won't drink). Yummy, but abominably hideous under all that whipped cream.
Over the top sculpture at the Arts Centre during tea with AD.
Creme caramel (notice pattern in ugly but tasty sweets). Deformed, thanks to KG yelling, "Boo!" outside the kitchen window when I was removing it from the cake tin.
The full moon looming over Main Beach after fish and chips.
Dusk near home.
Sago + coconut cream + palm sugar = nostalgia. The matsallehs liked it too. The vegetarian restaurant on Mermaid Beach dishes up amazing stuff (HB the vegetarian asked repeatedly, "Are you sure this isn't meat?"), with smiliest proprietor I've ever seen.
Doggy chews and masking tape form the word SALE at the sass+bide shopfront on James St, which is The Most Awesome Place in Brisbane Ever (thanks to WT for photo and taking me there). Totally brought back memories of Bangsar lepak sessions with my beloved high school gang (Madam Kwans > thatnowdefunctgelatoplacewith50%offwafflesonTuesdays > Starbucks > Mc Donalds > Devi's Corner - the standards lowered as our pockets lightened through the day)
Japanese lady clearly besotted with the white chocolate TimTams (which are terribly average stuff, really).
Roast vegetable risotto - looks and tastes great, with a somewhat pleasant colon-cleansing side effect after. Substituted pancetta with bacon.
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