Picture stolen from Go Fug Yourself
OMG I think I've found the dress of my dreams. Gives me origami orgasms. That is such a tongue twister, no? Try saying it - origami orgasms, origami orgasms, origami orgasms.
Permit the bimbotic moment. I have been stressed out of my mind. The weather is hot. My brain function is inversely related to the rise of the mercury. I have an obscene flare of pimples on my forehead and rash patches on random, albeit conspicuous spots. X suggested scabies. I have been hoping to pass off my attempts to transfer the disease to him as affection. I have somehow developed a cowlick on the back of my head which no straightening iron/ hairdryer nor amount of product can rid. My body is turning against me.
I have to stand up in front my class this week to deliver 2 half hour presentations. Contrary to what my penchant for crass jokes and strong opinions might lead you to believe, I have always scored Introvert on every psychometric test. When I was 8, I turned down the opportunity to give a speech in front of the entire school (ie a thousand unforgiving, judging pairs of eyes). My mother said that was stupid of me. Well Ma, clearly things haven't changed.
And I'm flying back to Malaysia in a week! I still have yet to find my precious nephew any Barney-the-Purple-Dinosaur themed merchandise, having searched high and low everywhere. Also having to squeeze enough to clothes to accommodate occasions between a wedding (not mine) and backpacking around BKK (hello ping pong shows, kathoeys, noIdon'twantamassagetuktukorsexthanks and value for money).
I will embrace next week very gratefully indeed.
Update: I publicly declare my undying love for WKS, who will pull a sickie on his first week at his new job because I Am An Awesome Friend Worth Pulling Sickies For. We are going to have such an awesome time drunk and commiserating in Penang. Woohoo!
Up-update: I also kowtow to Jenny and Ian for playing hooky. May the tradition of Ponteng continue forever and ever!
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