Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

99 more bottles to go...

This morning Lady Boss called and requested that I get milk on the way to work.

(We are a very unconventional workplace. Peacocks interrupt our meetings and clatter about on the roofs. The toilet is a good 5 minute trek on a dirt road, unless you want to use the toilet with no doors in which case GH will guard your modesty. My car is constantly muddy and dirty. Random stray dogs wander into the property and lounge about the steps. Wwoofers from various European countries appear every week - this week's girls are from the French Alps.

You get the idea.)

The milk (full cream, 2L) cost $4.85.

Later that day I told her about an upcoming tax and payroll seminar. Was it okay if I went?

She paid for it as a Christmas present.

It cost $485.

Oh the irony.

Of course I didn't ask her back for the milk money.