1. Unnecessary negative comments. Unless it's constructive criticism, I believe in the old adage If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.
2. People who talk loudly in public. Hello, bogan teenage girls!
3. Fake accents. If I can live here for a year and (mostly) socialise with locals and only acquire the slightest hint of Aussiness when I say, I don't know (I DON'T KNOI), then you sure as hell shouldn't sound like Steve Irwin.
4. People who compare themselves to others. I mean, I'm susceptible to the odd OMG, she's so gorgeous I feel like a squashed toad in comparison moment, but when you have people going around asking for your vital stats so they can see how they measure up, it's tantamount to stalking.
5. Nosiness. How much I earn, how often and if I do 'do it', why I haven't gotten married, what's wrong with me why don't I want kids is none of anyone's business but mine, thankyouverymuch.
6. Relatives. See number 5.
7. People who substitute adjectives/ verbs/ nouns etc with swear words innecessantly. You're not cool, just have severely impeded vocabulary.
8. Office gossips and politics. Chances are, you're a non-performer to have to resort to these.
9. Inefficient people who always claim to be busy. Listen pal, if you haven't worked in
10. People who just say something for the sake of saying something. Silence is golden. Also see no. 1.
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