Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Someone else's happy ever after

X and I had a relatively hectic weekend. His friend got married to a lovely lady who is the epitome of a living Barbie doll. Long blonde hair? Check. Waspish waist with generous bosom? Check. Shiny teeth and perpetual smile? Check.

Ken and Barbie finally making a commitment

The wedding was held in Byron Bay, which is about a 45 minute drive from our place, across the New South Wales border. It was an intimate occasion with about 60 or so guests. I marvelled at the home catering and DIY-ness of the entire event. (At some point, the bride did a Moulin Rouge dance on stage in lingerie) I mean, the typical Malaysian Chinese wedding costs about MYR50,000 - 100,000 and takes a lifetime to pay off.

The community hall, with the vows recited under jacaranda trees

The bride's father made a really funny and lengthy speech about "being relieved of this burden"

Their friend did a crazy Bollywood number, even flinging a thong at the couple once. Speaking of which, I once won lacey underwear onstage in a night club. I won't disclose what I had to do to earn it. You are free to let your imagination run wild.

The parents of The Most Adorable Baby Ever, who even managed to twitch my non-existent maternal instincts. They wouldn't let me take her home though.

That was the first time I'd ever seen a bridesman (?). He actually teared up during the vows.

We slept overnight in the car as it was too late to drive home. This common local practice isn't sound as bad as it sounds. We were awoken a couple of times by cars driving up, probably to do the same. And in the morning, this guy came over to say hello.

Mmm, breakfast!

Then later when we drove out, we actually saw a wallaby by the road, nonchalantly licking its paws. I excitedly dug through my bag for the camera when X brilliantly tried to reverse the car to get me a "better angle" and scared the little guy off.

This isn't a wallaby, but I had to put up a picture of a marsupial anyway. Picture taken at an animal farm in Port Stephens in 2007.