Jenny tagged me on Facebook. I'm free and a narcissist, so here goes!
1. I did not get married or even get sponsored for a visa/ green card.
2. I am not married at all, contrary to rumour-mongering reports.
3. I went to a nudist beach recently. It’s actually quite liberating.
4. I had a mole between my eyes removed because I had a date with a random international student I met online when I was 14. He turned out to be a bore.

5. I hated the mole on my right cheek with a vengeance and begged for its removal too. My beautician pacified me by saying Cindy Crawford had one too.
6. When in Malaysia, I used to get stalked by strange men for no apparent reason all the time. I’m now living with one of them.
7. I used to have a massive crush on Brian Molko.
8. I fell in love at 16 and it took me 4 years to recover.
9. I got a belly button ring at 15. My ears have been pierced 11 times. I was a very bored teenager.
10. I hate people who use their disabilities/ age as an excuse to be nasty and rude.
11. I find people who justify their circumstances through ethnic disadvantages extremely annoying. (Not applicable to people directly affected by war/ ethnic cleansing/ constitutional racism)
12. I never want children. I tried saving up money to tie my tubes when I was 15, but my mother convinced me the doctors wouldn’t do it. I just think I’m too selfish to be a good mum.
13. I dislike gossip and office politics. I have blocked and removed at least a dozen people from Facebook and MSN simply because they’re such nosey, vindictive little bitches.
14. Sometimes I wonder if moving to Australia is the biggest mistake ever.
15. I want to live in Europe but doubt I’ll be able to fit into the culture there.
16. I have a half sister from my father’s previous marriage. I’ve tried looking for her online, but even her alumni head can’t locate her. I also have a half brother.
17. I love horror movies and roller coasters but always close my eyes.
18. Whenever people throw rhetorical Christian queries at me, I always say, “Who am I to question my Maker?”
19. I am very physically uncoordinated and am a bad dancer and driver and am inclined to bump myself into inanimate objects. I generally have about 5 bruises at any one time.
20. When I was a kid, I suffered an asthma attack in a bouncy castle. I stopped breathing entire way to the Malacca Hospital.
21. “In The Sun” by Joseph Arthur makes me cry 9/10 times I hear it.
22. I am afraid of settling for the mediocre. I am afraid of suddenly waking up one day, realising I’m insert age and that I have nothing to show for my life.
23. When I was 7, a teacher told our class that with each lie you tell, a black spot appears on your heart. My lying skills have drastically deteriorated since then.
24. When we were younger and not very close, I punched my brother in the face while fighting over the remote. He told my parents he broke his own glasses. I have loved and respected him ever since.
25. I am regularly told I have thick hair, but harbour paranoia justified fear of a receding hairline, which seems to have already afflicted my brother and father.
I tag anyone who reads this blog. Leave your links in the comments!
I tag anyone who reads this blog.
Thats not very funny!! and, were you thinking up this list when I messaged you the other day?
yes i was! lol. i expect to see your list soon!
Tsk dare you Jan! That was evil. (But secretly I've been dying to be tagged with this meme :P)
No. 22 = TOTALLY ME.
It's the culmination of all my fears-- an insignificant existence (wow, just saying that made me die a little)
di - it's the gift that keeps on giving! p/s good luck for your new job, i've got an interview this tues! :S
i'll let u know once i've done with mine. too many ppl already tagged me with it.
ok, ok. looking forward to it! :D
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