I don't remember too much of high school. Or at least my memories never stray too far from things I had personally experienced. Unlike my friends, I've never been too observant of others. Quite self absorbed, you could say.
Here are the highlights (or at least what little I remember), personally, in chronological order:
1998 - Nothing really. I think I had a crush on some librarian who was two years older. When he discovered what I looked like (I had a flat chest, acne, greasy skin and glasses), he was instantly turned off. There is nothing sadder than the sound of a 13 year old heart breaking. They also killed a cow on school grounds for Hari Raya Korban, which was very insensitive to Hindus and bovine-friendly people in general.
1999 - Got contact lenses. Started getting into trouble with some gangster wannabes for no apparent reason other than minding my own business. Also dated NL. We lasted a grand total of two weeks. When he gently tried to let me down, I took the news calmly and burst into tears later. I still remember cradling the receiver of the public phone, sobbing my heart out to Syl, who later became my sister-in-law. I'm still friends with NL and I still think he's sweet and sort of cute. I still keep the slip of paper he passed me, "Will you be my steady?"
2000 - I was very bored this year. Bored enough to get multiple piercings and one on the navel. Also made grand mistake of agreeing to be MarvThe Perv's girlfriend. He turned out to be a lecherous cheat. We are no longer in contact. I would recommend chemical (or preferably physical) castration as a preventive measure.
2001 - I only got 5A's in PMR. Only made it to the "second rate" Science stream class, Marikh. For the first time in high school, I no longer had a gang in class. Felt awkward and miserable, not to mention stupid (I failed Add Math all the way through the year). Met my first love, MT. We lasted about 9 months, I think. I still have a box of keepsakes. I told him it was over, to spare him in having to do so. I never believe in holding someone back. I didn't go to school for two months after that, unable to do anything but cry. I was a wreck. I met MT this January, for a quick drink. I realised he never really knew me for who I was, but what everyone else assumed me to be. And that was a sad fact to discover. Nonetheless, I think he's a catch and wish him nothing but the best.
2002 - An awkward beginning, having to be in the same class with MT. I broke off contact with many people, unnecessary acquaintances acquired through him. Soon get used to it and make friends with other people. Realise I can relate so much better with them. We had a store room adjoining our class and we soon turn that into the hooky safehouse, as christened by B, The Toilet Room. Our anthem went like this: "Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis... is the toilet song, it isn't very long, hey!" In this room, we played poker, Uno (but instead of Uno and Uno Game, we yelled, "Haemmorhoid" and "Haemmorhoid Cream!" respectively) and discussed about a variety of complete utter nonsense. I consider these people some of my dearest friends, who have seen me for who I am, and love me, warts and all. Whenever we do get together, we continue our toilet humour as if we'd never left The Toilet Room at all.
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