Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Friday, July 25, 2008


At the encouragement of several friends, I’ve decided to begin a public blog. My previous one was only seen by a privileged few MSN contacts. Actually, anyone I didn’t bitch about anyway. I sure vented on that one.

For those who know me, I’m Jan, the irreverent, crazy, bohemian chick in a suit. Or if you’re a colleague, I’m just a chick in a suit. If you just happened to stumble upon this site, then hello, I’m Jan, a girl trying to make the most of her life. Nice to meet you.

At the moment, my life is about to launch into Major Transition Mode. For the past two and half years, I’ve been preparing to move to Australia. That sounds really easy, but it’s not. You don’t just get up and go. It’s a long story, I’ll divulge you someday. And if you know me, then I’m sure you’re super sick of listening about it.

So anyway, I got my visa in July. It’s a big deal. You have no idea how I’ve suffered to get it. Like blood, sweat and tears. So I’m now about 2 months from quitting my job and 2.5 from leaving Malaysia.

It’s funny, but everything I’ve been trying to run away from suddenly looks so attractive now. I’ll miss everyone. I’ll even miss my work. What if I can’t get a job in the same capacity? I’m actually starting to like what I do now. Lots of uncertainties. I was pretty naïve about the whole thing at first and thought getting a visa was my only hurdle. But now as D-Day looms near, I realize there’s a lot of considerations I hadn’t looked into before.

Now how am I going to ship the 50kg of books off?