Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Friday, August 14, 2009

I should be so lucky to have nice abs in spite of the fact I'm currently munching on Jatz while in bed and plan to do it for the rest of my time off

I pierced my navel at the age of 15, something considered outrageous for an Asian of my generation. Or at least amongst my sheltered group of friends anyway. Why did I do it? An honest answer would fall between out of boredom/ wanting to impress peers/ shit that looks cool/ I have nice abs.

The infections that ensued had me doubled over, literally (much appreciation to Mo and her mummy's antibacterial creams). I consider it a lucky thing I didn't have sufficient funds to get a tattoo. I'd wanted one of yellow (Yellow! What was I thinking? As if it would even show up against my colouring) flower trellises over my entire back. Not that I'm dissing any body art lovers, but I'm happy to have unmarked skin now, having been long past the Imustpissmyparentsoffbymodifyingmybodyasmuchaspossibleandwearingtheskankiestclothes phase.

On with the belly button - it's still there. I've had a surgical steel rose ornament dangling there for yonks. 9 years in total. Never removed it, largely out of complacency (the shock value has since diminished) and also the fact it was screwed on so tight, I couldn't. Thankfully, the latter problem was resolved by the resident jam jar opener.

I twisted his armX got me a really cool navel ring from Etsy.

I spent my last day at work flashing everyone.