Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot chocolate - the lazy way

As anyone who has known me for more than 3 days will attest, I am physically the laziest being on earth, perhaps only second to the sloth. I would rather languish amidst piles of JATZ wrappers and unlaundered stockings than get up. I would rather have instant soup/ noodles than actually cook something. I would rather hover over the kitchen sink eating stuff straight out of the packets rather than have to clean a dish.

You get the idea.

So here's a little recipe for those winter nights.

1. Microwave 200ml of milk for about 80 seconds.
2. Stir in 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of Quick.
3. Drop in 2 marshmallows.


p/s: JATZ should take over Vegemite as Australia's national food! At any random day, we'll have about 3 or 4 packets open and lying around in the office.
pp/s: I hate raspberry marshmallows. Can't find a packet which sells only the plain ones.


Th☆mp C™ said...

quick for dinner? hmm not ideal hahaha

Jan Banks said...

hahah. my pre-dinner aperitif!