The weather over at the East Coast has been kind of loony. Over the past couple of weeks, the beaches have evolved into cliffs and the murky seawaters churned and frothed threateningly. We're not directly affected apart from having our socks frozen off.
This week's temperateness has been marked by the rise of the balloons.

X and I went for Date Night on Friday. We went to the Currumbin
RSL for dinner. The service was pretty lukewarm and slow but the food was above average, for Gold Coast standards anyway. X had Beer Battered Flathead (AUD19) and I had Seafood Marinara (AUD23.50). Forgot to take pictures, but we did discover the rubbery thing attached to the scallop in my pasta is the
membrane/ gills, not penis, as I'd thought.
The restaurant was quite pretty. Yes that's the sleeve of X's suit.
The SoundLounge was packed with teeny boppers. This is Cool Calm Collective. They were good, but X and I aren't into reggae/ funk so we left after about half an hour. Plus there were loads of overweight girls wearing spikey shoes who threatened to step on my ballet flats-ed toes.
Flowers because I needed cheering up. (Did I also mention he voluntarily took me to a shopping centre last week?) I ♥ my man.
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