All these years, I'd taken my youth for granted, revelling in the frequency of being mistaken as a teen. Yet now, my former apple cheeks have sunken alarmingly, giving way to hollows beneath my cheekbones. I am frequently told I've lost weight, yet my scales remain inert. I actually have prominent dark eye circles now.
Then that morning whilst on the train, I was applying lipstick and something caught my eye. A reflection of -no, it couldn't be- a whisker on my chin!
Didn't those things only happen to unattractive old women with hunchbacks, warty aquiline noses and gnarled fingers? I carefully checked my own digits for any signs of arthritis.
As if that wasn't bad enough, when I arrived at the office TT observed, "You have white hair."
"Where? Pull it out, pull it out!" This couldn't be happening to me, of all people! Why, my dad only starting sprouting them at the ripe old age of 50-
Lo and behold.
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