Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Friday, January 7, 2011

You know who doesn't love Steve Jobs?

C is very much against my intention to get an iPhone 4, and everything Apple in general. I'm certain he's only a few days away from withholding sex into getting me to buy an Android phone.

C: You know who uses an iPhone? (insert name of obnoxious acquaintance), that's who! Do you want to become like her? Huh?

Jan: Have you sunken to that level already?

C: You know who doesn't use an iPhone? Barack Obama, that's who. And he's a pretty cool guy.

Jan: What if Nelson Mandela uses an iPhone?

C: Well, then he's a dick! I mean, the man wrote a book called Conversations With Myself.

Yeah, he did.

Jan: Well, Gollum doesn't use an iPhone.

C: He's better than Mandela then.

Jan: Are you comparing Gollum to Nelson Mandela?

C: ...


BlogReader said...

I agree with C, an Android phone is way much better than an iPhone.

Jan Banks said...

:( I'm still torn between practicality and looks.

Yes, I am that shallow.