Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our first Christmas together and other stories

What the beach looks like when you manage to convince a beach-hater to go on a long walk with you. Next up: rainbows and unicorns!

Cheese and cumin sticks from RD's mum. Tastes strangely like murruku.

I took C out for dinner in very Hefner-esque, cheap boudoir restaurant. Mediocre food, but a nice night out anyway.

What a defeated cat looks, post-shower.

Nibblies at Aunty Lil and Uncle Kev's. The shortbread in the foreground was made by us.

Rosey (L) and Moo Moo (R).

KG was clearing out 3 tonnes of bricks and dead plant matter in the process of his renovations. It's amazing what a long and arduous process it was getting rid of the stuff.

Galileo's thermometer. Very fascinating. As the temperature rises, the baubles, filled with different fluids, fall. Each bauble is numerically tagged.

Our Christmas cards carefully balanced, where the cat would not get them. A flea-bitten cat is an angry Grinch.

Photo taken by C's dad, at his family home, where we spent Christmas.

This is Cat (aka Cool Cat, or Cattenborough). If he likes you, you get head nuzzles, kitty kisses and throaty miaows.

Christmas lunch - ham, turkey and roasted vegetables. Yums.

One of our favourite gifts, from C's folks - almost too cute to use.