And here's another display of his thoughtfulness, after a profound conversation we had. Whilst I am not the sole muse for his post, I am meandering through life a little (albeit quite contentedly so). This attitude isn't exactly appreciated by some Malaysian friends and family; I'm certainly relieved that my sabbatical is far away from the naysayers.
When I worked in KL, I'd faced a lot of criticism because I did things differently (ie. efficiently) from everyone else. And you know what? Those same people are slogging until 8pm-midnight everyday, shopping, partying and boozing away.
A party-pooper and teetotaller, I believe that life holds much more than all that certainty. I appreciate the randomness each day brings and like myself much better for it too. Whilst my mother despairs over my indecision, I'm relieved that I'm in a position to be indecisive.
So here's to Godsent friends who write you blog posts, post you stuff to cheer you up, buy you plants, pray for you, help you fix flat tyres, help you move house and overall, are there when you need them.
So after 3 years only the truth is revealed that you didn't poke me just because you "thought" we shared the same surnam... and now I'm wondering what your actualy "thought" was... lolz.
Here's to new adverture and wonderful experience in your journey..
Hey, just accept the compliment! Did you want to me to say otherwise? ;) Just be happy someone other than your mother thinks you're leng chai. *runs away*
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