Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Live from BKK

First day in BKK. Tired. Up since 6am. Carried suitcase on my head around because X wouldn't ask fellow sex tourists white people for directions. The place is amazing. Maybe it's due to my being stuck in a hick town for so long (though I now adore Gold Coast in its own way). Stuff seem even cheaper now thanks to the strong Aussie currency. Got waxed. Painful but only cost AUD25 for several turfs. They had textured tiles and a gilt-framed Renaissance poster on the ceiling for awkward moments when you can't look your beautician in the eye. Spent 3 hours straightening hair yesterday and am not allowed to shampoo for 3 days. Look somewhat like stereotypical Asian ghost. Hairdresser now has a bald spot and gained 10 kilos and is no longer cute; still remembers me (probably because he once asked me out). Everyone keeps talking to me in Thai.