X looking very triumphant, having conquered a mountainous stack of pancakes at Pancakes Paradise, Surfer's.
More cake for the birthday babies at the office. At this rate, all of us are going to be huge, waddling fatties by year end. Ironically, 2 of the birthday babies share a birth date with X. September is a very productive month indeed.
I felt particularly cheerful, heading off to visit the hairdresser's hence the bright tights, thongs and polish. Nevermind no one has noticed the haircut.
Jan: What's that game they play on the field across the Burleigh surf club?
X: What field?
Jan: You know, the two little fields... lots of old people. Croquette?
X: Oh, you mean lawn bowling.
Jan: Is it? What was it again?
X: Lawn bowls.
Jan: Haha! Made you say long balls.
X: What field?
Jan: You know, the two little fields... lots of old people. Croquette?
X: Oh, you mean lawn bowling.
Jan: Is it? What was it again?
X: Lawn bowls.
Jan: Haha! Made you say long balls.
X's birthday falls on Thursday and I hadn't had time to get him a substitute present yet (I promised to get a watch that costs a bomb but only during the winter sale). SHY (don't you love her acronym?), Jason and I met up at Harbourtown and found this little gem from Canterbury, the man's man's favourite brand. Wearing it raises the testosterone, I hear.
Overpriced, super cute kangaroo slippers for my precious nephew. So soft and cuddly I wanted a pair too.
Lastly, a letter telling me I "must enrol to vote", nevermind the fact I'm not an Aussie citizen. WTF?
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