Ps. 94:18 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The fortnight in pictures because I've been a little off-kilter

It's been a very eventful (both good and bad) week and my mind's been occupied by too much work, hence the insomnia. Thank goodness for Atarax, my happy pill, or I'd never get any sleep at all.

X celebrated his birthday last week. I can't take off work until another 3 months or so as I'm still very much a probie (I miss NCIS!), so we only managed to do dinner. And what yummy dinner it was. Try the Thai style fried rice at Thai on the Hill in Robina. It's totally amazing.

LL's Chocolate Garnache, with rum and strawberries and the perfect amount of chocolate mousse. X and I demolished half of it within the minutes (I kid you not). LL's cafe/ bakery is apparently opposite the road from the Garden City shopping centre. I carefully toted the cake all the way from work (where LL handed it over) to home. 100km of travel in total. And to think my birthday cake was from Coles and cost $5.

The hugest spider I have ever seen (the ones in B-grade horror movies not withstanding). I'd gotten on the wrong bus and happily came across a nice little route which leads me to my workplace, add a 15 minute stroll, minus Odorous People. The web was massive, stretching over a footpath.

Giant fibreglass tap. Australians love their giant fibreglass sculptures. They're usually fruit though.

My mother's namesake.