NYE was always such a huge event for me. Drinks and dinner out with friends (or whichever douchebag I was dating then), usually at Bangsar, the climatic countdowns, the sweaty hugs from friends and strangers, the euphoria perhaps stemming more from the prospect of a new slate, than a year well spent.
The past couple of NYEs have been less than memorable, mostly spent on recovering from flights and trips. And given that I'm about to spend a 5 digit sum on my course next year, C and I had a rather low key celebration this year, living the house only to catch the rather uninspiring fireworks (The Spit, Marina Mirage, Surfers Paradise) on the Broadwater.

My last bowling session was an awkward episode 11 years ago (I flung the ball backwards). Hence the overreactions to my hitting anything at all. C was much more adept though, and scored a couple of strikes.

All of us at the table were mildly embarrassed by SC's antics.

A typical day on the Gold Coast - skater dude, beach-goer, fat person.

C left his lights on and needed me to jump start his car, which turned into an ordeal of sorts, given my car's history of chronic un-ignition-ness.

Big ass spider molt at the Botanical Gardens off Ashmore Road.


It was turtles galore that day. Some guy made small chat, claiming it was his first turtle sighting. Having experienced this, I found it a little hard to believe.

Marsupials at the Coombabah Lakelands. We got surprisingly close. Should have brought food.

The duh roo, with his cocked ear.

Molted cicada shells; I'd never noticed them before, but they are indeed a dime a dozen.

A flea-free cat is a contented kitty.