Thursday, April 29, 2010
The best compliment ever
I've had a rough week so I deserve to be reminded I'm not a complete loser. Comment received from guy with unbelievably model-hot blonde girlfriend, so no, he wasn't trying to hit on me. Which made this mean all the more.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Love is like a sunset
So I arrived at BNE, looking and feeling pretty tragic. It was nice to be in familiar company. KG was an angel and took good care of me, put up with my whinging, tears, sniffles and chills. During the next 3.5 days, we travelled 1,350 km together, though my trip was triple of that, with the 2 hour flights between Queensland and Victoria.
The sunsets were amazing.
JD from Scrubs, anyone? AND, (of course I failed to capture this), there was a Doctor Creek just a few hundred yards further down.
My first bouquet from him.♥
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Craving sleep
God bless BE (I am eternally grateful!) for perking up my week with his Poslaju parcel of emergency wardrobe rescue. I had the pants hemmed by a bipolar lady at QV. When I sent the pants in, she was curt to the point of rudeness; when I collected them, she expressed a lot of concern about my satisfaction and even bid me a "good weekend". BE also sent two shirts as gifts. The one above has actual french cuffs!
The blazer came with matching pants and a skirt. The top fits beautifully, but the bottoms are both a little loose. I suppose I'll grow into them with time. This shirt has discreet polka dots that are semi-hidden when buttoned up.
AK's gift of pansies (we think they are pansies anyway). The wrapping was so pretty I left it on. The flowers have so far survived a week in my hands.
My pot of rosemary. This hardy little plant only needs a little love and water and will cheer up the window sill with tiny pale purple flowers and equally tiny leaves.
My first dividend cheque! This goes nicely into paying off my parking fine. Just as well...
Bunnies galore off Flinders Ln, whilst meandering around with JL.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Fishing at Monbulk
So anyway, after driving about, seemingly aimless, for about 6km, we reached the Australian Rainbow Trout Farm in Monbulk. It was surprisingly packed. Entrance fees are $6 per person and includes bait and fishing rods. And speaking of bait, I believe this will most likely be a contender for the Most Unappetising Picture In The Almost 2 Year History Of This Blog.
AK and I (almost) fondly nicknamed this Poo Bait. We also refused to touch it, which required MB to hook it for us.
Seasoned with salt and pepper and rubbed with oil, wrapped in foil and barbequed. Yum.
We then had tea at Immerse in Olinda before heading home.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Rootless tree
This song is so apt at the moment. I can't get enough of it. Damien Rice is a genius.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This PostSecret postcard reminded me of that day. That fateful day I sat on the toilet seat, in a shopping centre. Sobbing my heart out, unable to curb the tears, the grief, the shuddering. To Cynthia, the stranger who spoke to me through the door, offering hope, kindness, an outstretched hand when I needed it the most, thank you. Thank you for your words, your time, for the fingers you ran through my hair, for the hip you let me rest my head on. And you're right, it did become alright. I'm more alright now than I have been in the longest time. So now, to all those out there, I extend the same message. It will become alright. Have a little faith.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The long Easter weekend
Friday was spent with RR, having brunch at Dead Man Espresso (pork belly BLT, mmm) and the yummiest gelato from this place on Brunswick St (I forget the name again, but I returned the next day), before heading to SL's for dinner. Monday will be spent fishing and possibly catching up with the twins from KL.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The dilemma of a tiny analyst

For now at least, I'm quite happy with my job. I struggled the first week - for the first time in my spoilt little life, I had to use the Alarm function in my cellphone. I'm still not very good with directions or public transport, so for almost every single day that week, I was either late or too early. My feet were blistered from wearing heels all day. My body ached from lugging the laptop around.
After the initial shock, I settled into a comfortable routine. Wearing flats to work, before switching to my 4 inch heels. Leaving the laptop locked in the office. Giving myself at least 20 minutes to stroll to the train station. My colleagues have been awesome too. Non of that bitchy, gossipy, competitive nonsense I've had to put up with before. They're incredibly supportive and professional.
My one and only issue at the moment, is the fact that as a professional, I'm required to wear suits. Thankfully, shirts aren't necessary (how I loath ironing). But here comes the double whammy - inexpensive suits either look cheap or come in sizes too large for me; the ones that do fit, cost $500-600 a pop.
On my meagre (though adequate) salary, neither is an option.
I am so envious of this girl here. Why can't we have reasonably priced, mass produced, well made office clothing here too?
Thankfully, I was reminded about the existence of G2000 by an equally petite colleague. Unfortunately, this only occurred a day after this phone call from Hong Kong.
KG: Do you want anything from here?
Jan: No, thanks! Have a safe flight tomorrow.
So now I'm relying on BE's impeccable fashion sense to guide me through. (Most girls would run to their mothers for this sort of thing. Not me. My mother always buys everything in L for me, in some misguided optimism that I'm still growing.)
Yet another successful story of a Facebook initiated friendship. I is happy.